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International Rescue Committee: L’attrice Adjoa Andoh Ritorna a Trieste

Oggi l’attrice britannica Adjoa Andoh è tornata per la seconda volta a Trieste, per incontrare nuovamente gli operatori e i beneficiari dei programmi umanitari dell’International Rescue Committee (IRC). Nel corso della sua visita, ha avuto modo di interfacciarsi con le persone rifugiate e richiedenti asilo in fuga da conflitti e disastri in diverse parti del mondo, facendo seguito alla sua precedente visita avvenuta a marzo.

“Riconoscere l’umanità gli uni negli altri è la cosa più potente che possiamo fare, perché una volta che si riconosce questa umanità condivisa, non si può più distogliere lo sguardo. Le persone hanno bisogno di sicurezza e di speranza,” aveva dichiarato dopo la scorsa visita.

Adjoa, sostenitrice di spicco dell’IRC e attrice acclamata per i suoi ruoli in Bridgerton, Invictus e Doctor Who, ha avuto l’occasione di parlare con le persone che hanno intrapreso dei viaggi pericolosi per raggiungere l’Europa, ascoltando le loro toccanti e profonde esperienze e potendo vedere in prima persona le difficoltà che affrontano al momento dell’arrivo.

Solamente tra aprile e giugno 2024, gli operatori IRC a Trieste hanno assistito 3.063 persone in transito. Secondo i recenti dati dell’organizzazione, il numero di minori stranieri non accompagnati arrivati a Trieste attraverso la rotta balcanica è raddoppiato rispetto al 2023.

4 March 2024 - The transit centre, Trieste (Italy). IRC Ambassador Adjoa Andoh connected with Nada.

The IRC-supported day center provides a welcoming space for people on the move. From warm corners to phone charging, bathroom facilities, and cultural mediation, the IRC is committed to making a positive impact and ensuring that asylum seekers and homless persons have a safe space to rest amidst accomodation shortages in the city and are equipped with the basic neccessities. Our protection officers and dedicated team at San Martino al Campo oversee daily operations; the IRC has also equipped the space with a washing machine and dryer.

© International Rescue Committee

Photo: Francesco Pistilli for the IRC

4 March 2024 – The transit centre, Trieste (Italy). IRC Ambassador Adjoa Andoh connected with Nada.
The IRC-supported day center provides a welcoming space for people on the move. From warm corners to phone charging, bathroom facilities, and cultural mediation, the IRC is committed to making a positive impact and ensuring that asylum seekers and homless persons have a safe space to rest amidst accomodation shortages in the city and are equipped with the basic neccessities. Our protection officers and dedicated team at San Martino al Campo oversee daily operations; the IRC has also equipped the space with a washing machine and dryer.
© International Rescue Committee
Photo: Francesco Pistilli for the IRC

5 March 2024 - The abandoned silos, Trieste. 

Adjoa Andoh visits the abandoned silos, where people on the move seek shelter. Here the IRC ambassador Adjoa Andoh while meeting Bedar, Hussain, Suleiman. Trieste, Italy.

Trieste is a major entry point for people crossing the Balkans into Italy. It has a long history of welcoming people. In the early 1900s, it was home to many artists seeking the freedom to work, including James Joyce. The city sheltered hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the aftermath of World War Two.

Now, in Trieste’s silos, and mirrored across all of Italy, every night, a distressing number of people, including unaccompanied children, are forced to sleep outdoors, exposed to cold temperatures and inhumane conditions. IRC Ambassador Adjoa Andoh visited the silos, abandoned stone warehouses, where hundreds of people are forced to sleep outside in muddy unsanitary conditions, on 5 March 2024, guided by the IRC team provides emergency services to support people on the move staying in the space.

© International Rescue Committee

Photo: Francesco Pistilli for the IRC

5 March 2024 – The abandoned silos, Trieste. 

Adjoa Andoh visits the abandoned silos, where people on the move seek shelter. Here the IRC ambassador Adjoa Andoh while meeting Bedar, Hussain, Suleiman. Trieste, Italy.
Trieste is a major entry point for people crossing the Balkans into Italy. It has a long history of welcoming people. In the early 1900s, it was home to many artists seeking the freedom to work, including James Joyce. The city sheltered hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the aftermath of World War Two.
Now, in Trieste’s silos, and mirrored across all of Italy, every night, a distressing number of people, including unaccompanied children, are forced to sleep outdoors, exposed to cold temperatures and inhumane conditions. IRC Ambassador Adjoa Andoh visited the silos, abandoned stone warehouses, where hundreds of people are forced to sleep outside in muddy unsanitary conditions, on 5 March 2024, guided by the IRC team provides emergency services to support people on the move staying in the space.
© International Rescue Committee
Photo: Francesco Pistilli for the IRC

DESCRIZIONE FOTO: L’attrice e attivista per i diritti umani britannica Adjoa Andoh è tornata a Trieste con l’International Rescue Committee per la seconda volta quest’anno, incontrando nuovamente le persone rifugiate e richiedenti asilo presenti in città © Francesco Pistilli for the International Rescue Committee

Informazioni sull’International Rescue Committee in Italia:

IRC opera in Italia dal 2017, in collaborazione con organizzazioni locali, autorità nazionali e istituzioni per migliorare il sistema d’asilo e le condizioni umanitarie. Siamo presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale con l’obiettivo di aumentare la sicurezza, il potere, l’istruzione, l’emancipazione economica e la salute mentale delle persone rifugiate, concentrandoci sulle più vulnerabili, tra cui donne e minori stranieri non accompagnati (MSNA).

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